clean design + strategic marketing


It's true. We're firm believers in the 40-40-20 rule. Although we pride ourselves on our strategic design skills, we still adhere to the notion that offer and audience are twice as important.

Where Design and Strategy Meet.

For nearly 15 years Starbelly Inc. has been helping companies achieve their marketing goals. One reason why is because that's how we start each and every project..."What do you want to accomplish?"

Athough we would like to think of ourselves as the creative types, we check the ego at the door, and begin our design process from a position of strategic planning. That doesn't mean we don't deliver great designs, but it does mean that they are both thoughtful and practical and that our client's objectives always trump creative whims.

What's on the menu?

From direct mail to email, from print to the web — we offer a full range of strategic marketing and design services and are ready to help you reach your audience. B2B or consumer? Done it. Fortune 500 or mom-and-pop? Done it. Over the years Starbelly has delivered marketing solutions for a broad range of vertical markets including heathcare, education, social services and not-for-profits, telecom, and technology. Yes, we've done it.

Left-brained. Right-brained. Don't bother to choose.

We work from a position of purpose-driven design. Clean, professional, beautiful, AND effective. When clients hit their targets and when clients stick around, you know you're doing something right. Founder Tom Rutherford earned his marketing stripes working for Susan Kryl at her direct marketing agency, Kryl & Company, and still partners with her periodically — and the core marketing priciples that she ingrained into him still resonate in our work today... Define goals. Speak to benefits rather than just features. Specify a call to action. And perhaps most important: test, track, tweak, repeat.

How can we help your business?

Are you working on a lead-generation program? Perhaps need to update your website and integrate a back-end content management system? Or maybe you are looking for a fresh approach to your annual report? We're eager to learn more about your marketing and design needs and are looking forward to hearing from you.

Send us an email or give us a call. You can find our contact information here.